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Smite Will Aphrodite Oasis Djinn Be Available Again

Oasis Djinn Aphrodite
T Aphrodite OasisDjinn Card.png
Release Date: {{{release date}}}
Vox histrion: Salli Saffioti
God's Page: Aphrodite
God voicelines
Skin voicelines
Journalist packs
Voice Guided System
Music themes
SMITE Soundtrack


  • 1 God Selection
  • two Introduction
  • 3 Abilities
    • 3.ane (1) Kiss
    • 3.2 (ii) Back Off!
    • 3.3 (three) Love Birds
    • 3.4 (4) Undying Dear
  • 4 Depression Health
  • 5 Items
    • 5.1 When placing Wards
    • v.two When ownership Consumables
    • 5.iii When buying Offensive Items
    • 5.4 When buying Defensive Items
  • vi Kills
    • 6.1 When in a Killstreak
    • 6.2 When killing a Jungle Boss
    • six.3 When destroying a Tower
  • 7 Death
  • viii Taunts
  • 9 Directed Taunts
  • 10 Jokes
  • 11 Laughs
  • 12 VGS
    • 12.1 VA - Assail
      • 12.1.1 VAT - Tower
    • 12.2 VB - Enemy
      • VBJ - Jungle
    • 12.3 VC - Careful
    • 12.4 VD - Defend
    • 12.5 VE - Emote
    • 12.6 VF - MIA
    • 12.7 VG - Gank
    • 12.8 VH - Assist
    • 12.9 Six - Incoming
    • 12.10 VQ - Ward
    • 12.11 VR - Retreat
    • 12.12 VS - Cocky
      • 12.12.i VSA - Attack
      • 12.12.2 VSB - Buff
      • 12.12.3 VSD - Defend
      • 12.12.4 VSG - Gank
      • 12.12.5 VSQ - Ward
      • 12.12.6 VST - Returned
    • 12.13 VT - Returned
    • 12.14 VV - Other
      • 12.14.1 VVG - General
      • 12.fourteen.two VVV - Position

God Pick [ ]

  • ▶️ "Your wish is my command."

Introduction [ ]

  • ▶️ "I just grant you lot three wishes. And no, you cannot wish for another djinn."
  • ▶️ "Every bit a water djinn, I promise you I am more powerful than you recall. I will do my best to protect you as my new principal."

Abilities [ ]

(i) Osculation [ ]

  • ▶️ "Got something for you!"
  • ▶️ "Don't become used to it."

(2) Back Off! [ ]

  • ▶️ "Become away!"
  • ▶️ "No wishes for you!"

(iii) Love Birds [ ]

  • ▶️ "Show me what you got."
  • ▶️ "I'll show you lot my powers!"

(4) Undying Love [ ]

  • ▶️ "I've got you!"
  • ▶️ "I'll grant you this wish."

Low Health [ ]

  • ▶️ "I never get to see this much activeness at the oasis."
  • ▶️ "That was going to exist problem."

Items [ ]

When placing Wards [ ]

  • ▶️ "Always good to be safe."
  • ▶️ "The desert has many perils."

When buying Consumables [ ]

  • ▶️ "That certain is a great choice."
  • ▶️ "It's been and then long since I've had something good to swallow."

When buying Offensive Items [ ]

  • "I can sense the magic in this item."
  • ▶️ "Information technology is.. cute."

When buying Defensive Items [ ]

  • ▶️ "Sandstorms are harsh here. We will need some protections."
  • ▶️ "Wow! Is this for me?"

Kills [ ]

When in a Killstreak [ ]

  • ▶️ "Never, ever mess with united states of america water djinns."
  • ▶️ "Exist careful what you wish for."

When killing a Jungle Boss [ ]

  • ▶️ "Trust me, I've encountered many monsters in my line of piece of work."
  • ▶️ "Yous were as clumsy as a camel."

When destroying a Tower [ ]

  • ▶️ "Wish granted."
  • ▶️ "Wait at what we have achieved."

Death [ ]

  • ▶️ "Magic always comes at a toll."
  • ▶️ "No. Please. I'm not done yet."

Taunts [ ]

  • ▶️ "No, I am not a mirage. And I'm hither to fulfill a wish."
  • ▶️ "Yous can non interfere with magic."
  • ▶️ "You accept to get through me to get to my chief."
  • ▶️ "I'd get on my magic carpet and arrive away if I were you."
  • ▶️ "The desert volition be far harsher to you than I volition ever be."

Directed Taunts [ ]

  • ▶️ "Hither kitty, kitty, kitty." (Bastet)
  • ▶️ "Alright, I'll leave you alone! Jeez." (Bellona)
  • ▶️ "Y'all are masterful indeed." (Chiron)
  • ▶️ "You just love hugging people, don't you lot?" (Khepri)
  • ▶️ "Oh my! Yous are the cutest thing!" (Ratatoskr)

Jokes [ ]

  • "A man once wished that he wanted all the ladies to dear him. And then, I turned him into a bar of chocolate."
  • "You will never go hungry in the desert. There are then many sand-wiches."
  • "What practice you call a frost giant in a desert? Lost!"

Laughs [ ]

  • ▶️ "(Laughs)"
  • ▶️ "(Laughs)"
  • "(Laughs)"

VGS [ ]

VGS Outcome
A Attack
B Enemy
C Careful
D Defend
Eastward Emote
Thousand Gank
H Assistance
I Incoming
Q Ward
R Retreat
S Self
T Returned
5 Other

VA - Attack [ ]

VGS Result
T Tower
1 "Attack left lane!"
2 "Attack middle lane!"
iii "Attack right lane!"
A "Assault!"
F "Set on Fire Behemothic!"
G "Attack the Gilt Fury!"
1000 "Attack the Titan!"
M "Attack the Minions!" (Arena Only)

VAT - Tower [ ]

VGS Consequence
i "Attack the left belfry!"
"Attack the left phoenix!"

2 "Set on the middle tower!"
"Attack the middle phoenix!"

3 "Attack the correct tower!"
"Set on the correct phoenix!"

VB - Enemy [ ]

VGS Outcome
J Jungle
1 "Enemies in the left lane!"
2 "Enemies in the eye lane!"
3 "Enemies in the correct lane!"
A "Enemy ultimate incoming!"
B "Enemies accept returned to base."
D "Enemy ultimate down!"
E "Enemies backside usa!"
F "Enemies at the Burn down Giant!"
G "Enemies at the Gold Fury!"
M "Enemies at the Titan!"
South "Enemy spotted!"

VBJ - Jungle [ ]

VGS Issue
1 "Enemies in the left jungle!"
2 "Enemies in the correct jungle!"
J "Enemies in the jungle!"

VC - Careful [ ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Be careful left!"
2 "Be careful middle!"
3 "Be careful right!"
B "Return to base!"
C "Be careful!"
J "Be careful in the jungle!"

VD - Defend [ ]

VGS Event
1 "Defend left lane!"
2 "Defend middle lane!"
3 "Defend correct lane!"
D "Defend!"
F "Defend the Fire Behemothic!"
K "Defend the Gold Fury!"
1000 "Defend the Titan!"
M "Defend the Portal!" (Arena Only)

VE - Emote [ ]

VGS Issue
A "Fantastic!" ▶️
G "I'g the best!" ▶️
J Jokes
L Laughs
R "You're so brave!" ▶️
T Taunts
West "Woohoo!" ▶️

VF - MIA [ ]

VGS Upshot
one "Enemy missing left!"
2 "Enemy missing center!"
3 "Enemy missing right!"
F "Enemy missing!"

VG - Gank [ ]

VGS Outcome
i "Gank left lane!"
2 "Gank middle lane!"
three "Gank correct lane!"
G "Gank!"

VH - Help [ ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Help left lane!"
2 "Help middle lane!"
three "Help correct lane!"
H "Assistance!"
Due south "Need Healing!"

VI - Incoming [ ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Enemies incoming left!"
2 "Enemies incoming middle!"
three "Enemies incoming correct!"
I "Enemies incoming!"

VQ - Ward [ ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Ward Left!"
2 "Ward heart!"
3 "Ward Right!"
F "Ward the Fire Giant!"
G "Ward the Gold Fury!"
North "We need Wards!"
Q "Ward Here!"

VR - Retreat [ ]

VGS Outcome
1 "Retreat left lane!"
2 "Retreat middle lane!"
3 "Retreat right lane!"
J "Retreat from the Jungle!"
R "Retreat!"
S "Salvage yourself!"

VS - Self [ ]

VGS Outcome
A Attack
B Buff
D Defend
Q Ward
One thousand Gank
T Returned
O "I'm on it!"
R "Falling dorsum!"
S "I'm edifice Stacks!"

VSA - Attack [ ]

VGS Outcome
i "I'll Attack left lane!"
ii "I'll Assail heart lane!"
iii "I'll Attack right lane!"
A "I'll Attack!"
F "I'll Attack the Burn down Giant!"
Thou "I'll Assail the Gold Fury!"
Yard "I'll Attack the Titan!"

VSB - Buff [ ]

VGS Issue
B "I'm going for jungle buff!"
N "I need the jungle buff."
T "Take this jungle buff."

VSD - Defend [ ]

VGS Outcome
i "I'll defend left lane!"
2 "I'll defend middle lane!"
3 "I'll defend right lane!"
D "I'll defend!"
F "I'll defend the Fire Giant!"
G "I'll defend the Gold Fury!"
M "I'll defend the Titan!"

VSG - Gank [ ]

VGS Outcome
1 "I'll gank left lane!"
2 "I'll gank middle lane!"
three "I'll gank right lane!"
G "I'll gank!"

VSQ - Ward [ ]

VGS Outcome
one "I will ward left!"
two "I volition ward middle!"
3 "I volition ward right!"
Q "I will ward!"

VST - Returned [ ]

VGS Outcome
one "I'm returning left lane!"
2 "I'thousand returning middle lane!"
iii "I'thou returning right lane!"
B "I'm returning to base!"
T "I have returned!"

VT - Returned [ ]

VGS Outcome
i "Enemies take returned left!"
2 "Enemies have returned eye!"
three "Enemies have returned correct!"
T "Enemies have returned!"

VV - Other [ ]

VGS Outcome
G General
5 Position
A "Ok!" ▶️
B "Be right dorsum!" ▶️
C "Completed!"
Thousand "Stepping away for a moment." ▶️
Thousand "Out of mana!" ▶️
North "No!" ▶️
P "Please?" ▶️
S "So distressing!" ▶️
T "Thanks!"
W "Wait!"
Ten "Cancel that!"
Y "Yes!" ▶️

VVG - Full general [ ]

VGS Result
B "Bye!" ▶️
F "Have fun!" ▶️
G "Great game!" ▶️
H "Heya!" ▶️
50 "Practiced luck out in that location!" ▶️
N "Wow, nice work!" ▶️
O "Oops!" ▶️
Q "Shh! Delight!" ▶️
R "No problem!" ▶️
S "Well, shucks!" ▶️
T "That'southward unfortunate." ▶️
Due west "You lot're welcome!" ▶️

VVV - Position [ ]

VGS Outcome
A "Fix an ambush here!"
B "Behind the states!"
C "Hunt the enemy!"
D "Ultimate is downwardly!"
E "On my way!"
F "Follow me!"
One thousand "Group up!"
J "Going into the jungle!"
P "Split push!"
R "Ultimate is gear up!"
S "Stay here!"
T "Information technology'southward a trap!"
W "Identify a Ward for teleport!"
10 "Spread Out!"


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